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Pre-Recorded Homestudy

Topic Areas:
Risk Management |  Telehealth
Pre-Recorded Homestudy
Ken Major, PsyD
Course Levels:
Introductory to Intermediate
1 CE
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This course offers clinician-centered guidance on providing psychotherapy by telehealth, addressing both beginning and advanced aspects of telehealth service delivery, across two modules. The first module focuses on four core domains of competence for managing a variety of treatment boundaries, client presentations, technology issues, and other situations unique to, or significantly impacted by, a video-based approach to therapy services. In the second module, six advanced aspects of telehealth are explained, including ways to increase therapeutic presence, anticipating and managing issues that arise when working across multiple jurisdictions, and the heightened importance of self-care in a virtual role.
$25.00 - $35.00

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Pre-Recorded Homestudy

Topic Areas:
African-American Psychology |  Suicide Interventions
Pre-Recorded Homestudy
Willie Garrett, MS, LP, CEAP, Ed.D.
Course Levels:
3.0 Hours
Short Description:
This training specifically addresses the 100% increase since 1980, of black male suicide. As black males may present atypical suicide symptoms and behaviors, identifying often overlooked psychological
$60.00 - Base Price

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Pre-Recorded Homestudy

Topic Areas:
Chronic disease management |  Rural Healthcare
Pre-Recorded Homestudy
Shawna Ehlers, PhD |  Elizabeth Kacel, Ph.D.
Course Levels:
1.5 Hours
Short Description:
Comprehensive cancer care includes mandated screening for and treatment of cancer distress (e.g., depression and anxiety symptoms). However, a gap persists between recognition of distress and access to evidence-based treatment, especially for rural populations. Rural populations face unique barriers, higher rates of mental health disorders, and limited access to mental and behavioral health services. Relatedly, rural cancer survivors report distress akin to anxiety and depressive disorders at a higher rate than urban survivors (18.8% vs. 12.8%, respectively). Unfortunately, geographic distance from Comprehensive Cancer Centers is a barrier to cancer distress treatment programs. These distress disparities exist in the larger context of disparities in health outcomes, mortality and morbidity rates, and health care access. Effective and robust interventions to reduce cancer distress exist. In order to reduce disparities in rural cancer care, it is critical that effective interventions for cancer distress are scaled to and adapted for rural settings.
$20.00 - Base Price

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Pre-Recorded Homestudy

Topic Areas:
African-American Psychology |  Racism & Racial Identity
Pre-Recorded Homestudy
Tabitha Grier-Reed, Ph.D., LP
Course Levels:
Introductory to Intermediate
3.0 Hours
$60.00 - Base Price

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Pre-Recorded Homestudy

Topic Areas:
Pre-Recorded Homestudy
Jennifer Harrison, Ph.D., LP |  Trisha Kivisalu, Ph.D.
Course Levels:
1 Hour
Short Description:
As practitioners of mental health services to a wide variety of clientele, part of the responsibility as ethical professionals is to stay current on advances in interventions in our field. Reviewing published literature is a key source of information for existing and new interventions. Meta-analysis is a quantitative research method used to synthesize available evidence from published literature with the goal of producing a mean effect size. The mean, or summary, effect size that is attained then speaks to the magnitude of the effect found, such as the impact of an intervention with a specific population. While meta-analysis follows a systematic method with straightforward steps, the statistics involved are quite complex in nature. However, with a few helpful tips that cover the basics of this important empirical method, practitioners without advanced statistical training can be adequately equipped to understand the nuts and bolts of meta-analysis.
$30.00 - Base Price

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Pre-Recorded Homestudy

Topic Areas:
Chronic Pain |  Anxiety |  PTSD/Trauma |  Depression |  CBT-I |  Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Pre-Recorded Homestudy
Donn Posner, Ph.D., CBSM, DBSM, Ph.D.
Course Levels:
6.5 CEs
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Insomnia is widely recognized to be the most common sleep problem and is also a leading complaint in primary care settings. The  consequences and morbidity associated with chronic insomnia can be substantial across several domains and can include increased  health care utilization, impaired quality of life, increased risk of falls and hip fractures, increased risk of
$195.00 - Base Price

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