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James Mahoney, DO

DrJ Regenerative Medicine

James J. Mahoney DO, “DrJ” to those who know him, is board-certified in Family and Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and has been a passionate teacher, mentor, and advocate for Osteopathic principles and practice since receiving his DO degree from Philadelphia Osteopathic in 1985.

DrJ has enjoyed 30 years of success in a cash practice in Southlake, Texas and shared his methods and model with thousands of health professionals all over the world through one-on-one mentoring, seminars, visiting professorships, mission work, and, software development.

DrJ is a husband, father of three grown children and most recently a grandfather. His contribution to the healing arts is focused on elevating the doctor-patient relationship through applying Osteopathic principles in every aspect of practice. 

Dr. Mahoney discloses that he has no relevant financial relationships with any organization producing, marketing, reselling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients relative to the content of this presentation.